Dato: 23. april 1870
Fra: Horace E. Scudder   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Riverside, Cam bridge, Mass. 28 April 1870

My very good friend

I have within a few days received two welcome letters from you, the former upon your return to Copenhagen and the latter upon receiving our package of books. The "Spring Song" which came in your first letter I have myself translated for the June Riverside and the pretty little story "The Candles" I have also translated for the July Riverside, although I may think it best and find it possible to put that also into the June Riverside.

It delights me to find that you are again as Ingemann once bade you "Flying about in the heavenly air of poetry" again. I must tell you how much I enjoy your continuation of Mit Livs Eventyr which I am daily engaged in translating while the earlier portion is rapidly going through the hands of another. Next week your In Spain and a Visit to Portugal will be published and shortly after O. T. then Only a Fiddler and in June I trust The Story of My Life although I shall take more time rather than allow that to be done imperfectly.

I trust you will yourself indicate to me what poems and dramas you would prefer to have translated. When the Spaniards were here will of course be one.

I am glad that you received safely the package of books and that they gave you pleasure. You will understand that the volume Stories and Tales will contain many stories not found in Wonder Stories.

When you read my Stories from my Attic you will see me in the little vignette on the title page, for the attic was a real one, though I did not, God be thanked, have to live so meagrely as poor Christian in his garret in Only a Fiddler. The moon also showed me pictures however. Some of the little stories as "Good and Bad Apples" and "Tom and Tom" I have no doubt I should never had written had not your writings taught me many things. The spring has at last set in with us, the cocks are crowing under my windows and everything says, like the poet Andersen "Nu er vintertiden forbi!"

Heartiest greetings from your publishers, and I hope we may soon hear again from you with a letter to me and a little story for the Riverside. Ever your sincere friend


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