Dato: 10. juli 1847
Fra: Charles Beckwith Lohmeyer   Til: Richard Bentley
Sprog: dansk, engelsk.

[oversættelse - ikke HCAs håndskrift, formentlig Lohmeyers]

My dear friend

Allow me to call you by this name, then as such you received me!

Many thanks for the day I spent in your agreable company, my kind regards to all the members of your family!

On my way home on the railroad I was rather desagreably surprised to read an article in the morning chronicle, from which I discovered that my Journey to Hartzen had been translated into Englesh & published by you. / I wrote this book in 1830 & I should not like to have it translated now without considerable alterations.-

I am afraid it will not speak in my favour -

I told this to Mr. Bechwith, & he promised that he would not translate the whole, but only one chapter for the magazine, the same which I pointed out to him.

Mr. Beckwith has acted very wrong against you & me. Your affectionate friend

[nederst på siden med HCAs håndskrift: towards]

Tekst fra: Solveig Brunholm (microfilmscan 13, 106-07)