Dato: 23. april 1862
Fra: H.C. Andersen   Til: Charles Dickens
Sprog: engelsk.

Copenhagen 23 April 1862.

My dear and highly admired friend!

Some five or six years ago a friend of mine, Mr. Bille, who was there visiting London, nor in Boulogne where he went expressly to see You he was happy enough to make Your acquaintance. In one of your dear letters, which I keep up as treasures You kindly said, that if Mr. Bille did come to England, You would be glad to see him. Now he is coming again, going over for the great exposition and greatly bent upon making up for his bad success in 56. Mr. Bille is the Editor of one of our best newspapers and a most amiable man; he speaks English well and will be able to give You any information on art and literature in Denmark. He is residing in the house of his cousin, our Ambassador in London, Mr. Torben Bille.

Though knowing by Your letter to me that he needs no new introduction he has wished to get a few linies from my hand, so I avail myself of the opportunity to send You a friendly greeting over the sea and to hear from You again. For as Mr. Bille can tell You what I am doing and purposing, so I shall want him to give me on his return a very full report of Your doings.

For Your dear family I send the most cordiai greetings and remain my dear friend,

Ever Yours fondly attached

Hans Christian Andersen.

Tekst fra: Solveig Brunholm (microfilmscan 13, 465-66)