"Thorvaldsen" [Danish title] is number 1405 in the Hans Christian Andersen Center's register of Andersen's literary works, i.e. no. 5 in the category cycles of poems (the range 1401 - 1500).

Contains (the list is ordered by the date of the works' first edition):

"Thorvaldsen" [Danish title] was first published 26 December 1847.

Bibliographic description of the first publication containing this work, quoted from the Danish bibliography H.C. Andersen-Centrets bibliografiske optegnelser:


Digtkredsen "Thorvaldsen" er en del af digtsamlingen Digte, gamle og nye (1847, s. 51-58, BFN 488), bestående af fire digte:

I. "Jason og Alexandertoget" s. 51, BFN 329).
II. "Da han første Gang kom i Studenterforeningen" s. 55, BFN 330.
III. "Ved Kisten" s. 57, BFN 441.
IV. "Dandserinden, Ganymed, Amor og Psyche. (Kunstner, mild og stor, som faa!)" s. 58, BFN 489.

Show this work in its context: all new Andersen publications from 1847.

The Hans Christian Andersen library (bibliographies):
