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The Holy Bible contains among others: The Book of Esther

See also The Koran or Qur'an


Book, scripture, sacred writings, prophecies, gospels, Christianity, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament

Description of this motif: Greek "Biblia" means books. The Bible is the Christian church's sacred writings, containing The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is the Jewish Bible, but also some newer scriptures added by the Christian church.

Example :

Kay and Gerda held each other by the hand. And as they walked along they had wonderful spring weather. The land was green and strewn with flowers, church bells rang, and they saw the high steeples of a big town. It was the one where they used to live. They walked straight to Grandmother's house, and up the stairs, and into the room, where everything was just as it was when they left it. And the clock said tick-tock, and its hands were telling the time. But the moment they came in the door they noticed one change. They were grown-up now.

The roses on the roof looked in at the open window, and their two little stools were still out there. Kay and Gerda sat down on them, and held each other by the hand. Both of them had forgotten the icy, empty splendor of the Snow Queen's palace as completely as if it were some bad dream. Grandmother sat in God's good sunshine, reading to them from her Bible:

"Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Kay and Gerda looked into each other's eyes, and at last they understood the meaning of their old hymn:

"Where roses bloom so sweetly in the vale,
There shall you find the Christ Child, without fail."

And they sat there, grown-up, but children still-children at heart. And it was summer, warm, glorious summer.