Levnedsbog [Danish title] is number 804 in the Hans Christian Andersen Center's register of Andersen's literary works, i.e. no. 4 in the category autobiography (the range 801 - 900). BFN 1261.

Levnedsbog [Danish title] was first published 1926.

Bibliographic description of the first publication containing this work, quoted from the Danish bibliography Digterens danske Værker 1822-1875, number in bibliography: 1261:

H. C. Andersens Levnedsbog. Digterens Liv 1805-31. Nedskrevet 1832. Udgivet med et Forord af Hans Brix.

Forlagt af H. Aschehoug & Co. København 1926. Tekst: 176 Sider.

(Bibliografisk kilde: HCAH 1971/377)

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