"Et Par Ord om 'Hyldemoer'" [Danish title] is number 1113 in the Hans Christian Andersen Center's register of Andersen's literary works, i.e. no. 13 in the category papers, articles, letters and other writings (the range 1101 - 1200). BFN 597.

"Et Par Ord om 'Hyldemoer'" [Danish title] was first published 4 December 1851.

Bibliographic description of the first publication containing this work, quoted from the Danish bibliography Digterens danske Værker 1822-1875, number in bibliography: 597:

Et Par Ord om »Hyldemoer«.

Svar paa Berlingske Tidendes Kritik af Stykket.
Trykt i Fædrelandet 4. 12. 1851, Nr. 283, 1130.

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