From the Hans Christian Andersen biography "The Life of Hans Christian Andersen. Day By Day", written by DPhil Johan de Mylius:


A Heart Filled with Spite and Loathing

2 October

Via Augsburg to Munich, where he stays until 9th. Whilst here he is summoned to King Max, also dining here, (before the dinner there is a meeting for German historians. HCA thus meets Leopold v. Ranke of Berlin, who reads aloud from his latest work on English history).

1860: A Heart Filled with Spite and Loathing

9 October

Via Nuremberg to Leipzig (arrival on 11th). Here he visits the publishers Wiedemann and Lorck. Hears about strong German feelings of hostility towards Denmark. Continues to Dresden on 13th.

13th October - 4th November

In Dresden. Some unpleasantness is experienced due to a letter from Lorck to Kertbeny. HCA is once again in a deep personal crisis. Socialises once more with Serres, amongst other of his old friends. Visits Clara Schumann. Through her he also gets to know the violinist Joseph Joachim, and sees him and Clara together at concerts. Also meets the Norwegian poet Andreas Munch and socialises quite a bit with him. Is informed that his fairy-tales are read in the schools in Saxony. Upon invitation he visits King Johann of Saxony on 3rd and reads fairy-tales aloud.

24 October

Edvard Collin suggests in a letter to HCA of this date that he [EC] place 1.000 rdl. of his money at 5% (1% more than the bank rate), "on loan to a mutual acquaintance who is reliable enough". HCA accepts. Later, it transpires that this mutual acquaintance is Henrik Stampe.

25 October

Clara Heinke tries to persuade HCA to visit her in Breslau, but HCA is not at all inclined to do so.

5 November

To Berlin (only 1 day is spent here, during which he visits Meyerbeer the composer and sees Verdi's Rigoletto, which he finds very interesting). Continues via Hamburg, Neumünster, Rendsborg, Haderslev, then by ship to Assens, arriving in Odense on 9th.

"The town spruced up, but not as interesting as in the old days. The church stands detached but Beldenak's building is gone. The pharmacy is neatly drab, many drab new boxes... In solitude I sat at Postgaarden [a restaurant], alone in my childhood town, while abroad I am surrounded by friends and admirers",
(the diary, 9th).

Amongst others, he spends time with Julius Gerson ("A Little Pixie Left"), who is the editor of the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende. Sees that the house of his parents has been rebuilt, with an extra floor on top, and that many changes have occurred. Continues by stagecoach to Nyborg on 10th and from there by steamship to Korsør.

10th - 17th November

At Basnæs Estate. Recognises himself in a book by E.M. Oettinger about the courts. Feels he is "maliciously" described and sees in the paper that W.I. Karup, a man of letters, delivers a lecture for the people regarding HCA's life. In this lecture he is "treated spitefully and slandered".

"On this journey I have thrown myself to sea, so to speak, and let myself be swept along by the waves. They sweep me back to my own shore once again. Why! To be ridiculed there or to crush the head against a rock. Even if it were burning, one must walk the earth... My heart is filled with spite and loathing." (The diary, 12th).

17th - 20th November

At Holsteinborg Castle. Is given a room facing the castle chapel, from which he can hear the psalms being sung and snippets from the words spoken by the priest. Notes in the diary on 20th: "Dear God, let my mind too be lightened in Christianity and God!"

20 November

Goes to Sorø, where he stays with the Ingemanns. Visits the composer Peter Heise and meets the sculptor H.V. Bissen at his home. Ingemann reads the start of his memoirs for HCA.

23 November

Back in Copenhagen, where he decides to stay at Hotel d'Angleterre. Ida Koch (nèe Wulff, daughter of P.F. Wulff and the sister of Jette) invites him to dine with her on Fridays (formerly his regular day with the Ørsted family). Looks at new rooms but receives two on the ground floor of the hotel,

"where I now live, like in a lamp on the wall, as I have two rooms on the ground floor here on the corner of Kongens Nytorv and Østergade. But it's far too busy here, with a constant drone and a rushing along, also driving in the night. Unbearable in the long run" (in unpublished letter dated 10th December to Mrs Scavenius of Basnæs Estate).

15 December 1860

Reads aloud for the Students' Association.

18 December

Travels from Copenhagen to Sorø and continues on 20th to Basnæs Estate:

"I spent Christmas Eve at Basnæs, where the Christmas tree was lit, not just one for the house guests, but also one for the poor children of the estate; their tree stood just as richly decorated and shining bright as ours. Mrs Scavenius had decorated it herself and lit every candle, and I had cut and glued the figures which hung on the branches. The tables around it were set and laden with Christmas presents which the poor mothers were especially looking forward to; linsey-woolsey for skirts, linen for shifts and many other useful items. The poor were treated to a good meal and had a pleasant evening. We had several. The snow drifted up, the sleigh bells rang, the wild swans sang out on the beach. It was wonderful outdoors, it was pleasant indoors; the young people danced until the early hours. From neighbouring houses and from far away relatives and friends had been invited".

Amongst the guests on Christmas Eve was also Carl Bernhard, who arrives with the family from Borreby Estate, where he is spending Christmas:

"His fresh, lively depictions and the lifelike, characteristically Danish lends him significance as a writer. Moreover, he was amiable, helpful and dedicated; it was hard to believe he was in his sixties, so youthful were his looks. He was amongst those dancing, he was amongst those conversing, and towards me he was open, sincere, laughing at the pettiness of the world, rejoicing in all the blessed which is also to be found" (from the continuation of Mit Livs Eventyr (The Fairy Tale of My Life)).

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