From the Hans Christian Andersen biography "The Life of Hans Christian Andersen. Day By Day", written by DPhil Johan de Mylius:

1805 Birth and Background 1844 Weimar and Dresden
1806 The Parents Move in Together 1845 Visits Jenny Lind in Berlin
1807 To Munkemøllestræde (Street) 1846 Breakthrough in England
1808 The Spaniards on Funen 1847 Journey to England and Scotland
1810 Schooling 1848 First Fairy-tales in French
1812 Encounters with the Theatre in Odense 1849 The Casino Theatre
1814 Father Returns Home from the Army 1850 The Paper Mill in Silkeborg
1816 Death of HCA's Father 1851 Titular Professor
1818 HCA's Mother Remarries 1852 From Fairy-tales to Stories
1819 From Odense to Copenhagen 1853 Collected Works
1820 At the School of Singing and Dance 1854 Sees Jenny Lind Once Again
1821 Debut as Walker-On 1855 Mit Livs Eventyr (The Fairy Tale of My Life)
1822 To the "Latin School" in Slagelse 1856 The Opera Liden Kirsten in Weimar
1823 Getting to Know B.S. Ingemann 1857 The Second Journey to England
1825 Like an "Aladdin at the Castle" 1858 Contact with the Workers' Association
1826 To Elsinore with Principle Meisling 1859 The Great Journey to Jutland
1827 Private Lessons in Copenhagen 1860 The Melchior Family
1828 Certificate of Education/Graduation 1861 Jonas Collin Snr. Dies
1829 Literary and Theatrical Debut 1862 Journey to Spain
1830 Riborg Voigt 1863 Home from Spain
1831 First Journey Outside Denmark 1864 Effects of the War
1832 Levnedsbogen (The Biography) 1865 New Version of Ravnen (The Raven)
1833 The Great Journey of Personal Development (Bildung) 1866 Journey to Portugal
1834 The Journey Continues 1867 Honorary Citizen in Odense
1835 Novel and Fairy-tale, Debut in Germany 1868 Dryaden (The Wood Nymph)
1836 Xavier Marmier in Copenhagen 1869 Article by Georg Brandes
1837 First Trip to Sweden 1870 The Last Novel
1838 Criticism from Søren Kierkegaard 1871 Journey to Norway
1839 Billedbog uden Billeder (Picture Book without Pictures) 1872 Illness and the Last Fairy-tale
1840 Journey in Europe and The Orient 1873 Final Journey Abroad
1841 Journey in Europe and The Orient continued 1874 Is Awarded the Danish Title: Konferensråd
1842 Arrival of the Half Sister 1875 Death of Hans Christian Andersen
1843 Jenny Lind