Religious motifs : Overview. Search. About religious motifs

See also Cherub


Origin, God, paradise, piece, Adam and Eve, innocense, immortality, eternity

Description of this motif: When Adam and Eve broke God's law in the Garden of Eden and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of Knowledge, they were abandoned from the Garden. The Fall is a myth, that offers an explaination to some of the facts of life: the suffering in order to stay alive and to give birth and that you will eventually die. These facts are, according to the myth, regarded as a divine punishment for man's obedience. It is interesting, that the myth also shows that curiousity and striving, in short desire, is a fundamental human charateristic, and that man actually won something by the violation, which may also be regarded as a necessary sacrifice, of the law, that is knowledge, the ability to distinguish. Cf. Genesis, 3.

Example :

"(...) I was born close to the garden of paradise, just outside, where the wind blew and the wet toadstools grew. It was I who made Eve wear clothes in the cold weather, and Adam also. Believe me, there was power in the first toothache!"

Comment on this quote: Auntie Toothache speaks to the student.