Religious motifs : Overview. Search. About religious motifs


Nature, life, sign, harmony

Description of this motif: The philosophy behind this motif is a kind of theology of nature &ndash, nature, all of God's creation, is a sign or proof of the existence of God and of a life after death.

Example 1:

Yes, the little daisy was as happy as if this were a grand holiday, yet it was only a Monday, and all the children were in school. While they sat on their benches, learning things, the daisy sat on her little green stalk and learned from the warm sun and everything about her just how good God is. The daisy couldn't talk, but high above her the lark sang loudly and beautifully all the things that the little flower felt, and that made the daisy very glad.

Example 2:

"There is no water here!" cried the captive lark. "They've all gone away and have forgotten to give me anything to drink. My throat's dry and burning. I feel as if I had fire and ice within me, and the air is so close! Oh, I must die! I must leave the warm sunshine, and the fresh green, and all the splendor that God has created!"