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The Holy Bible contains among others: The Book of Esther

See also The Koran or Qur'an


Book, scripture, sacred writings, prophecies, gospels, Christianity, Judaism, New Testament, Old Testament

Description of this motif: Greek "Biblia" means books. The Bible is the Christian church's sacred writings, containing The Old Testament and The New Testament. The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is the Jewish Bible, but also some newer scriptures added by the Christian church.

Example :

Now came the mother, Madam August, a wholesale fruit dealer, proprietor of many fish tanks, and landowner, wearing a great crinoline. She was fat and hot, and took an active part in everything; she herself even carried beer out to the workmen in the fields.

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread," she said. "That is written in the Bible. Afterward we can have the picnics and dances in the woods and the harvest festivals."